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Ohio Head & Neck Surgeons provide answers to the most frequently asked questions and best care practices for ear, nose, and throat (ENT) diseases and disorders, allergy, hearing loss, and cosmetic treatments.

Your Trusted Source For ENT

Ohio Head & Neck Surgeons provide answers to the most frequently asked questions and best care practices for ear, nose, and throat (ENT) diseases and disorders, allergy, hearing loss, and cosmetic treatments.

Doctor with otoscope in hand in front of elderly couple looking at each other

Hearing Surgery

Nearly 48 million Americans experience some type of hearing loss that affects their communication. There are various types of surgeries to restore hearing dependent upon your hearing loss. Surgery is a common treatment for hearing loss if the patient has a structural problem near or in their ear. Signs of Hearing Loss Hearing loss that occurs gradually […]

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Untreated Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is one of the most prevalent chronic conditions in the United States, affecting more than 34 million Americans over the age of 50. Despite that large incidence, three out of five people with hearing loss do not use hearing aids. A study by the National Council on the Aging found that denial, cost, and vanity

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Simple Hearing Loss Test

Do you… Have difficulty understanding what is being said, unless you are directly facing the speaker? Find yourself complaining that people are mumbling or slurring their words? Continually ask people to repeat words or phrases, though they feel they’re speaking loud enough? Prefer the TV or radio louder than others do? Have difficulty understanding conversation within a

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Earwax & Effects On Hearing

Over 34 million Americans are affected by some degree of hearing loss. There are many risk factors, including aging, loud noise exposure, heredity, and some medications (such as chemotherapy or large doses of aspirin). Untreated hearing loss has been associated with social withdrawal, increased social anxiety, and depression. The best way to determine if you have hearing

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Autoimmune Inner Ear Disease

AIED (Autoimmune Inner Ear Disease) has made national news due to the famous radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh’s diagnosis and treatment of the disease. AIED was first described in 1979. The most common sign and symptom is a significant sensorineural hearing loss that occurs over a period of weeks to months. It usually affects both ears.

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Hearing Loss & Communication Strategies

Communication strategies are simple ways to make conversation easier and more enjoyable for all listeners. We recommend you share them with your family and friends. Speak clearly and naturally:Do not shout. It can distort the signal, making it harder to understand. Slowing your rate of speech will allow the listener to process meaning. Pausing between sentences allows

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Tinnitus: What is it?

Tinnitus (pronounced /ti-nahy-tuhs/) is the perception of sound within the ear when no corresponding external sound exists. It is a phenomenon that affects about 10% of the population, or up to 50 million people in the United States. It can take many different forms, including ringing, chirping, or clicking sounds. It can last several moments or hours

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Assistive Listening Devices

Assistive Listening Devices (ALDs) are technologies beyond hearing aids that help you hear better and communicate easier. Devices include amplified telephones, strobe light smoke alarms, hands-free telephone accessories, and FM devices to help you hear from a distance. Please browse the following articles related to ALDs. Can You Hear Your Smoke Detector? Have someone test your smoke

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Balance Disorders

Balance problems can have many different causes, including circulatory issues, inner ear disturbances, or infection. Vertigo is the sensation of spinning or the room spinning around you. In contrast, disequilibrium is a feeling of being off-balance or falling to one side. Lastly, pre-syncope is a feeling of nearly fainting or passing out. Imbalance is especially troublesome in

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Hearing Loss

Here are the most frequently asked questions concerning hearing loss and hearing aids. What causes hearing loss? The majority of hearing loss in those over the age of 60 comes on gradually over time as we age. Other possible causes are prolonged exposure to loud noises, heredity, certain illnesses, and medications. Although there are several types, the

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