Your Trusted Source For ENT

Ohio Head & Neck Surgeons provide answers to the most frequently asked questions and best care practices for ear, nose, and throat (ENT) diseases and disorders, allergy, hearing loss, and cosmetic treatments.


Rhinoplasty is a cosmetic procedure that changes the appearance of the nose. The primary goal of Rhinoplasty is to improve the external features of the nose without disturbing normal nasal function. Rhinoplasty incisions are placed carefully inside the nose. Through these incisions, access to the framework of the nose is achieved. By altering this framework, the external shape of the nose is changed. Rhinoplasty is sometimes performed through an “external approach” which requires a small incision on the base of the nose. This incision heals beautifully and will rarely leave a visible mark. The need for an external Rhinoplasty will be determined by the surgeon and discussed with you. Rhinoplasty is sometimes combined with Septoplasty. The septum is the internal wall that divides the nose. When it is bent, breathing is sometimes obstructed and can contribute to external nasal deformity. Rhinoplasty is considered by many surgeons to be the most difficult of all facial cosmetic procedures. Experience and comfort with the form and function of the nose are imperative. When performed will, Rhinoplasty can transform the facial appearance.

Tips to Remember:

  • Do not eat after midnight the night before your procedure.
  • The procedure is performed in our office procedure room under a twilight sedation. You will not go to sleep, but you will not remember anything that occurs. The procedure can also be performed in the hospital operating room under a general anesthetic.
  • You will be carefully monitored throughout the procedure.
  • Someone will need to take you home following the procedure.
  • You will be given prescriptions for an antibiotic and pain reliever either before or the day of the procedure.
  • We will sometimes give a sedative for use the night before the procedure if you feel you will need it.
  • You will require time to recover. There is usually bruising and swelling around the eyes for 7-14 days following the procedure.
  • You will have a cast on the nose for 1 week. If a septoplasty is also performed, there will be splints inside the nose for 5-7 days. The nose may be lightly packed for 24 hours. If an external Rhinoplasty is performed, there will be tiny sutures at the nasal base for 5-7 days.
  • No heavy lifting (over 35 lbs.) or nose blowing is allowed for 2 weeks.
  • No aspirin products or ibuprofen should be used for 2 weeks prior to the procedure.

Following your Rhinoplasty:

  • You will recover in our office recovery area for 1-2 hours following the procedure.
  • Eye pads soaked in ice water will be placed on your eyes to help reduce swelling and bruising. We recommend their use for 48 hours after the procedure.
  • You will not breathe well through your nose immediately following the procedure due to swelling. The nose may also be lightly packed.
  • A small amount of blood-tinged drainage from the nose is expected after the operation.
  • You should try to sleep with the head elevated (lounge chair or 2-3 pillows) for 72 hours following the procedure.
  • Be very careful with activity following your Rhinoplasty. The nose will be very fragile and susceptible to trauma.
  • Take your pain medication as needed and your antibiotic as directed.
  • Returning to work is somewhat patient specific. We normally recommend 1-2 weeks off work. Return can be sooner if the job does not involve strenuous activity.
  • There is always a doctor available 24 hours a day if you should have a problem during your recovery period.
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