A thyroidectomy is a type of surgery to remove all or part of the thyroid gland, which is a butterfly-shaped gland located in the front of the neck. The thyroid gland releases thyroid hormones and is responsible for controlling many critical functions of the body.
Why is a thyroidectomy needed?
Thyroid cancer, thyroid tumor, thyroid nodules, and other conditions may require a thyroidectomy. Cancer is the most common reason for thyroidectomy. Removing most, if not all, of the thyroid gland will likely be a treatment option.
Once the gland is removed, the patient may need to take replacement hormones to keep the body’s functions in place depending on how much of the gland was removed. The thyroid produces hormones important to the metabolism, growth, and development of the human body.
What are the risks of thyroidectomy?
· Sore throat
· Voice changes (hoarseness)
· Adhesions or scar tissue (this could require a secondary surgery)
· Hypoparathyroidism (too little parathyroid hormone, which can cause abnormally low blood calcium levels)
· Bleeding or blood clots
· Injury to the esophagus or windpipe
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